The Return to Work Act 2014 will commence in South Australia on 1 July 2015, replacing the existing Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation scheme. The new Act will bring about significant change to how workers compensation claims and return to work are managed for injured workers in the SA Public
The Office for the Public Sector recognises the importance of ensuring practitioners within injury management, injury prevention and human resources are adequately prepared for the impending legislative reforms, to support effective implementation and ensure agency compliance.
ASC Training & Development, utilising learning modules developed with SISA specifically for self-insured employers, will deliver a comprehensive, cost effective training program through a 2-day conference designed to provide a sound understanding of the new legislative provisions and their application within the SA Public Sector.
The conference program has been designed to ensure coverage of sector-wide Return to Work concepts, as well as industry specific issues relevant to the various practitioner groups.
2 x full day seminars on Wed 6 May & Thurs 7 May 2015
Registration – 8:30am
Close – 4:30pm
$390 (GST Free) – Public Sector Employees
• course materials
• lunch and refreshments over the 2 days
• Certificate of Attendance
Training Venue
Adelaide Convention Centre
Riverbank rooms 6, 7 & 8
North Terrace Adelaide
Facilitators Include
Guy Biddle – Partner; Finlaysons
Jodie Bradbrook – Principal; Bradbrook Lawyers
Mark Keam – KJK Legal
Joe Parisi – Principal; Gilchrist Connell
Robin Shaw – Manager; SISA
John Walsh – Director; DW Fox Tucker Lawyers
Michael Francis – General Manager at ReturnToWorkSA
Bill Cinnamond – Director; Workers Compensation Performance, OPS
Anna Gabrielli – General Manager; People and Culture, PIRSA
John Schutz – National Claims Manager, AGL
Guest Speakers
Hon. Susan Close MP; Minister for Minister for the Public Sector
Erma Ranieri; Commissioner for Public Sector Employment