In the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape, small business owners often find themselves navigating a complex environment of rules and legalities when trying to promote their businesses online. Join Amy Bishop, our resident expert on commercial and intellectual property matters, at our upcoming seminar, where she’ll explore the intricacies of online advertising and share her knowledge about the relevant laws that will equip you with the information you need to ensure your activities online are legally compliant. 

During this session, Amy will explore:

  • Copyright issues to be aware of when creating your promotional material
  • Complying with aspects of the Australian Consumer Law
  • Avoiding trade mark infringement
  • Spam, personal information and use of data for direct marketing
  • Navigating aspects of social media
  • Overview of some special rules:
    • Disclosures and transparency required for influencer marketing
    • Advertising of therapeutic goods
    • Promotion of financial products


Thursday, 25 July 2024
1:00pm – 2:00pm


DW Fox Tucker Boardroom
L14, 96-100 King William St, Adelaide SA 5000


Please note that there is no charge for this event
Lunch will be provided


Please register by Monday, 22 July
RSVP to:

We look forward to seeing you there.


Amy Bishop

View Profile →