ALP Proposes Worker Friendly Changes to its Fair Work Regime
In Australia, since John Hewson’s Fightback! package was released in 1991, the major political parties have, in opposition, been cautious about committing to significant ‘courageous’ reforms in the…
Federal Government Responds to Confusion Surrounding Casual Employee Entitlements
Recently I analysed the case of WorkPac Pty Ltd v Skene [2018] FCAFC 131,and discussed the widespread implications of the Full Federal Court of Australia’s decision to classify Skene, a casual…
Managing the 'Silly Season'
That time of year is fast approaching - it’s called the ‘Silly Season’ for good reason. While misconduct and serious misconduct, stress claims and allegations of harassment can all occur at any time…
DW Fox Tucker & Bradbrook Lawyers: Two eminent employment law specialists join forces
DW Fox Tucker is delighted to announce its merger with Bradbrook Lawyers, another of Adelaide’s premier employment law practices. This significant joining of forces is the result of many months of…
Is Your Business at Risk of Claims From Casual Employees?
It’s no secret that legislators, employers and employee groups are often at odds about how best to define casual employment. Now, a Federal Court decision has set the cat among the pigeons with an…
New International Standard for Occupational Health and Safety
The International Organisation for Standardisation has recently published a new International Standard ISO 45001: “Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements with guidance for…
Minimum Wage Increase
Unlikely to Encourage SME's to Re-engage in Enterprise Bargaining
Regulator Grants Exemption to Comply With Weatherill State Government’s Labour Hire Regulation, on Eve of the Election
We recently reported on the commencement of the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2017 (SA) (“Act”) from 1 March 2018. A labour hire provider who is operating in South Australia unlicensed…
Weatherill State Govt's Labour Hire Regulation Commences Today
Ready or not - you can’t hide any longer!
Weatherill Labor Govt to Regulate Labour Hire From March Next Year
In our Spring Report we reported on the Weatherill State Government’s decision to seek to regulate the labour hire industry by introducing the Labour Hire Licensing Bill 2017 (SA) (“Bill”). The…
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