November 07, 2018

When it comes to looking after an electric Australian industry, NECA is plugged in and switched on. 

Client Profiles
November 07, 2018

Loving the ride.

Staff Profiles
November 07, 2018

Owner incompetent - but what about the insurance?

Insurance & Risk Management
November 07, 2018

Discretionary trusts have long been the go-to vehicle for advisors when setting up a structure for their clients. The principal reasons for this are clear – discretionary trusts give a high level of…

November 07, 2018

The need for trade marks When the Wine Equalisation Tax (WET) Act[1] was amended with effect from 1 July 2018 to introduce additional eligibility criteria to claim the WET producer rebate, amongst…

Intellectual Property (IP) Tax Wine
November 07, 2018

DW Fox Tucker is delighted to announce its merger with Bradbrook Lawyers, another of Adelaide’s premier employment law practices. This significant joining of forces is the result of many months of…

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety Workers Compensation & Self Insurance Firm News
August 01, 2018

It’s no secret that legislators, employers and employee groups are often at odds about how best to define casual employment. Now, a Federal Court decision has set the cat among the pigeons with an…

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety
July 04, 2018

A trade mark may be one of the most valuable assets of a business. It may be a name, a word or words, or a logo, or a combination of these. Use by Other Entities It is common in business groups for…

Intellectual Property (IP)
July 04, 2018

On 25 May 2018 the European Union [EU or Union] General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR] came into effect. The GDPR is a law directed to the protection of privacy and personal information, like the…

Corporate & Commercial Intellectual Property (IP)
July 04, 2018

In the Harry Potter books the members of the Order of the Phoenix are the good guys struggling against Lord Voldemort and the corrupt Ministry of Magic. To the Federal government and ASIC, however,…

Corporate & Commercial

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