Is Your Business at Risk of Claims From Casual Employees?
It’s no secret that legislators, employers and employee groups are often at odds about how best to define casual employment. Now, a Federal Court decision has set the cat among the pigeons with an…
Do You Own Your Trade Mark?
A trade mark may be one of the most valuable assets of a business. It may be a name, a word or words, or a logo, or a combination of these. Use by Other Entities It is common in business groups for…
EU Data Bomb: Australian Collateral Damage
On 25 May 2018 the European Union [EU or Union] General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR] came into effect. The GDPR is a law directed to the protection of privacy and personal information, like the…
Buried in the Budget: Directors in the Firing Line
In the Harry Potter books the members of the Order of the Phoenix are the good guys struggling against Lord Voldemort and the corrupt Ministry of Magic. To the Federal government and ASIC, however,…
Making Sense of the Personal Property Securities Register
The operation of the Personal Property Securities Register (“PPSR”) can be a confusing enough concept for lawyers, let alone the general public. However, having a basic knowledge of the priority…
Staff Profile: Patrick Walsh
No Place Like Home
New International Standard for Occupational Health and Safety
The International Organisation for Standardisation has recently published a new International Standard ISO 45001: “Occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements with guidance for…
Looking into the Crystal Ball
What can we expect in Workers Compensation in the near future? On 16 April 2018 State Treasurer Rob Lucas announced that the average workers compensation premium rate for businesses in the 2018/19…
Contract Termination for Insolvency – Not Anymore!
So you think that you have the right to terminate a contract if the other side is insolvent? Maybe not as of 1 July 2018. New laws have recently come into effect preventing parties from enforcing…
Wills: Greedy v Needy
Dissecting Decisions: Swanson v Reis [2018] SASC 20 An Inheritance (Family Provision) claim has been dismissed on the first limb for the first time in South Australia. The age old question, is there…
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