Is a Trade Mark License a Franchise?
In Australia, franchises are regulated by the Franchising Code of Conduct (Franchise Code) made under section 51 AE of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Commonwealth). A franchise consists of…
Deeds vs Agreements
Many legal documents are designated as either “Deeds” or “Agreements”. What are the differences, and pros and cons, of Deeds and Agreements? It is worth going back to basics to look at what these are…
Trade Mark Use/Copyright and Fair Dealing – AGL v Greenpeace
Trade mark owners of marks, which are logos or devices, are well advised to ensure that they own copyright in the marks, which are artistic works for the purposes of copyright. This will mean that in…
Discretionary Trust Deed Issues
As many members of the generation that discovered discretionary trusts, as the preferred legal arrangements under which to hold investments or conduct a business, now contemplate the use of these…
When Can You Send Unsolicited Electronic Messages?
This article examines when a business can send cold-call or unsolicited electronic messages. The answer is, broadly, only in very limited circumstances, particularly if the message has a marketing…
Client Profile: Exelsuper
Meet the brains behind the revolution in Self-Managed Super
It’s Time to Fix Your Fixed-Term Contracts!
Late last year, the Federal Parliament passed the Secure Jobs, Better Pay reforms that amend the Fair Work laws. A target of the secure jobs component of the reforms is fixed-term contracts, which…
Payroll Tax and Medical Practices: An Update and Warning to Others
In September this year, we took the opportunity to write in some detail about the payroll tax amnesty program[1] in South Australia, as outlined in RevenueSA’s Information Circular Number 106…
DW Fox Tucker Lawyers Gains an Engineering Edge with the Arrival of Rising Star
We are thrilled to announce the newest member of our legal team, Ben Noack, who adds a new dimension to our service offering after two decades in engineering, including nearly a decade as a highly…
Bridging the Gap: New Director Enhances Workers Compensation Practice
DW Fox Tucker Lawyers is pleased to announce the appointment of Debra Khor as a Director and new member of the Workers Compensation and Self Insurance Team. Debra’s appointment is another key plank…
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