August 19, 2014

As Richardson v Oracle has just shown, a policy alone isn’t always enough to prevent serious human and financial consequences. In February 2013, in the matter of Richardson v Oracle Corporation…

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety
July 24, 2014

In a recent appeal decision - Richardson v Oracle Corporation Australia Pty Ltd [2014] FCAFC 82 – the Full Bench of the Federal Court awarded significant damages for pain and suffering / non-economic…

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety
February 19, 2014

A recent Federal Court ruling reinforces employers’ rights to seek medical information to satisfy work health & safety obligations.

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety
February 12, 2014

Are you overlooking your legal professional privilege?

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety
February 12, 2014

A recent sexual harassment case indicates businesses may have a far greater responsibility than they realise

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety
December 12, 2013

Most businesses will be aware of the new Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA) (“the Act”), which came into operation from 1 January 2013 as part of the new “harmonised” federal work health and safety…

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety
November 13, 2013

The Health of Your Employees

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety Health & Aged Care
September 19, 2013

The establishment of the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (ICAC) is a recent development for South Australia. ICAC has extensive powers to undertake the investigation of corruption and…

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety
September 01, 2013

Following extensive lobbying, last November the Liberal Party moved a significant amendment to the Work Health and Safety Bill 2011 which resulted in South Australia being the only state or territory…

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety
August 19, 2013

A recent decision of the Industrial Magistrates Court has called into question insurance policies which indemnify directors for fines for breaches of workplace health and safety law.

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety

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