Suspension Of WHS Construction Codes Of Practice
Most businesses will be aware of the new Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA) (“the Act”), which came into operation from 1 January 2013 as part of the new “harmonised” federal work health and safety…
What You Need To Know But May Be Prevented From Finding Out
The Health of Your Employees
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption
The establishment of the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (ICAC) is a recent development for South Australia. ICAC has extensive powers to undertake the investigation of corruption and…
When the Inspector Calls – Your Rights!
Following extensive lobbying, last November the Liberal Party moved a significant amendment to the Work Health and Safety Bill 2011 which resulted in South Australia being the only state or territory…
Work Health and Safety Act 2012 – Indemnifying Directors for Work Health and Safety Fines
A recent decision of the Industrial Magistrates Court has called into question insurance policies which indemnify directors for fines for breaches of workplace health and safety law.
Coalition would reinstate Building and Construction Commission
In an effort to allay voter fears of a return to WorkChoices, the Coalition last week released an industrial relations policy (Coalition Policy) that proposes to leave Labor's Fair Work system…
New sentencing discounts affect Safety penalties
A recent amendment to the Criminal Law (Sentencing) Act (SA) 1988 (Sentencing Act) has implications for persons carrying on a business or undertaking (PCBU), officers and others charged with offences…
Workplace Entry – WHS Entry Permit Holders
Part 7 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA) (WHS Act) enables union officials who hold WHS entry permits to enter workplaces to inquire about suspected contravention(s) of the WHS Act.[1] As…
State's New Safety Regime Underway
New regulations and some transition periods apply
New Safety Laws get Green Light
National model to take effect in South Australia
DWFT Report
The DWFT Report is a comprehensive publication containing news, commentary and analysis of significant contemporary legal issues impacting the Australian business community.