December 22, 2021

Compulsory vaccination for COVID-19 In late November, South Australia reopened its borders to Victoria and New South Wales. Many employers have introduced a compulsory vaccination policy in response…

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety
November 18, 2021

The end of the year is fast approaching, which means the Christmas office parties are just around the corner. It is one of the few times of the year where employers and employees alike can sit back…

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety
October 20, 2021

Compulsory Vaccination for COVID-19 Many employers have either introduced or are planning to introduce a compulsory vaccination policy. A common term of such a policy is that an employee is unable to…

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety
September 29, 2021

Background On 9 December 2020, the now-former Industrial Relations Minister, Christian Porter, introduced the Fair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia’s Jobs and Economic Recovery) Bill 2020 to…

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety
June 30, 2021

The Consumer Goods (Quad Bikes) Safety Standard 2019 (‘the Standard’) commenced operation on 11 October 2019. This much-debated standard placed a range of safety requirements on the operators and…

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety
June 30, 2021

The recent revelations of alleged criminal conduct and misconduct in the Federal Parliament directed towards women has had devastating ramifications for those involved. Timing is always crucial, and…

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety
April 19, 2021

DW Fox Tucker Lawyers is proud to share with you that ten of our lawyers have been listed in the 2022 edition of Best Lawyers Australia. We are also ecstatic to have not one but two Directors awarded…

Firm News
February 23, 2021

We can now prevent people from developing COVID-19, but when is it lawful and reasonable for employers to direct employees to undergo vaccination against COVID-19?

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety
January 01, 2021

South Australia is about to complete a seven-day lockdown to combat a recent COVID-19 outbreak over various super spreading events. For the foreseeable future, it seems that there remains an ongoing…

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety
December 16, 2020

It's that time of year again when employers embark upon their official end of year office celebrations. No doubt most will wish to celebrate the end of a year scarred by the COVID-19 pandemic which…

Employment, Workplace Relations & Safety

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