Final Call for Labour Hire Licences in South Australia
Labour hire regulation is back with the last day to apply for a licence this Friday!
MasterChef Celebrity’s Legacy to be the Criminalisation of ‘Wage Theft’
Celebrity chef George Calombaris’ business empire's punishment for underpaying nearly $8 million, has catapulted ‘wage theft’ to the forefront of political debate over the last few weeks. The…
FWC Proposes the Introduction of Additional Requirements for Award Based Annualised Wage Arrangements
Summary The Fair Work Commission (FWC) handed down its interim decision regarding Annualised Wage Arrangements as part of its four yearly review of Modern Awards on 27 February 2019. A key change to…
Fair Work Rejects ‘Living Wage’ Argument of the ACTU in Minimum Wage Review Decision
Summary The Fair Work Commission (FWC) in handing down its minimum wage review decision has rejected the ACTU’s push for a ‘living wage’ as part of its broader Change the Rules campaign. A summary of…
New Whistleblower Protection Laws are Coming
Employers, get ready to comply with the latest protection requirements for whistleblowers in Australia
ALP Proposes Worker Friendly Changes to its Fair Work Regime
In Australia, since John Hewson’s Fightback! package was released in 1991, the major political parties have, in opposition, been cautious about committing to significant ‘courageous’ reforms in the…
DW Fox Tucker’s “Best Lawyer” Awards List Grows, New Additions & Another “Lawyer of the Year”
The 12th annual “Best Lawyer Awards” have been announced by the Australian Financial Review, and DW Fox Tucker is delighted to confirm that our total listings have grown once again. We’ve expanded…
Federal Government Responds to Confusion Surrounding Casual Employee Entitlements
Recently I analysed the case of WorkPac Pty Ltd v Skene [2018] FCAFC 131,and discussed the widespread implications of the Full Federal Court of Australia’s decision to classify Skene, a casual…
Managing the 'Silly Season'
That time of year is fast approaching - it’s called the ‘Silly Season’ for good reason. While misconduct and serious misconduct, stress claims and allegations of harassment can all occur at any time…
Staff Profile: Ben Duggan
Loving the ride.
DWFT Report
The DWFT Report is a comprehensive publication containing news, commentary and analysis of significant contemporary legal issues impacting the Australian business community.