Re-Raising of Historical Tax Debts
The Commissioner of Taxation has a statutory duty to pursue the recovery of tax debts. However, in certain situations, a tax debt will not be pursued. One of these situations is where the…
Staff Profile: Daniel Idema
Daniel’s Journey: Balancing Career, Family, and Passion
Schools and Payroll Tax: Assessing the Possibility for an Exemption
For non-profit schools and colleges (providing education at or below, but not above, the secondary level) with health and recreational facilities available for use by students of the school or…
Preparing for Payroll Tax Changes in Medical Practices: Clarity Still Required
1 July 2024 marks a critical date for those medical practices operating in South Australia that have been informed of their eligibility for the payroll tax amnesty. From that date, RevenueSA’s (RSA)…
Payroll Tax and Medical Practices: An Update and Warning to Others
In September this year, we took the opportunity to write in some detail about the payroll tax amnesty program[1] in South Australia, as outlined in RevenueSA’s Information Circular Number 106…
Payroll Tax and Medical Practices
On 30 June 2023, RevenueSA published Revenue Ruling PTASA003 (Relevant Contracts – Medical Centres) (Ruling). The stated purpose of the Ruling is to “explain the application of the relevant contract…
The Winds of Change Keep Blowing: Introducing Our New Dynamic Tax and Commercial Director
At DW Fox Tucker, our journey of growth continues as we welcome our new Tax and Commercial Director, Daniel Idema. This announcement marks the second key milestone in the firm’s strategic plan to…
DWFT Report
The DWFT Report is a comprehensive publication containing news, commentary and analysis of significant contemporary legal issues impacting the Australian business community.