DW Fox Tucker’s Finest Bring Home “Best Lawyer” Awards… Again!
Another year, another esteemed “Best Lawyers” awards from the Australian Financial Review, which recognises outstanding talent, achievement and service across the whole spectrum of Australia’s legal…
Taxation of Earnouts
In broad terms, a standard earnout arrangement is one where a vendor sells their business and receives for that sale consideration which includes a right to receive a future amount both contingent…
Foreign Resident CGT Withholding
Foreign Resident Capital Gains Tax Withholding Regime
“Wine Equalisation Tax Rebate: Tightened Eligibility Criteria”
Late last month, Federal Treasury released its implementation paper examining the Wine Equalisation Tax Rebate (WET rebate). This paper was said to set out the Government’s proposed approach to…
2016-17 South Australian State Budget – Good News for Taxpayers
On 7 July 2016 the South Australian Government handed down the 2016-17 Budget. The budget contained a number of favourable taxation measures, some of which are detailed below. Removal of Prescribed…
Tax Transparency After the Panama Papers
Disclosure Obligations and Tax Avoidance
Trustees Holding “With no Survivorship”
Is it Needed?
The World of Superannuation is Changing
The 2016 Federal Budget is set to transform the ways in which Australia uses and plans for superannuation savings. If the budget is passed as announced on 3 May 2016, and the remainder of this…
Corking of WET to Leave Small Producers Wilting on the Vine?
Though it has been accepted by Treasury that the wine equalisation tax (WET) rebate was originally introduced to support wine producers in rural and regional Australia, last night’s announced budget…
New Tax Issues for Real Property Transactions
On 25 February 2015 new tax legislation was passed requiring 10% of the purchase price on a property transaction with a ‘foreign resident’ vendor to be withheld. This does not mean the vendor is not…
DWFT Report
The DWFT Report is a comprehensive publication containing news, commentary and analysis of significant contemporary legal issues impacting the Australian business community.