Well Recognised! Seven of Australia's Best Lawyers
Another ‘win’ for our clients
Legal Capacity
What happens to trusts and companies when officers lose legal capacity?
Self-Managed Super Funds
Is Self-Managed Superannuation right for you?
Good News for SME business
Today, precisely three months from the release of the original Exposure Draft the Government has introduced a Bill to effect the small business rollover announced in the 2015 budget. After much…
Small Business
Flexibility to restructure to be enhanced
Amending Trust Deeds
The capital gains consequences of the exercise of a power of amendment of a Trust Deed were a subject of concern for advisors during the course of the litigation of the proceedings between the…
Submission to Treasury’s “Wine Equalisation Tax Rebate” Discussion Paper August 2015
Late last month, Federal Treasury released its discussion paper examining the Wine Equalisation Tax Rebate ("WET rebate"). This paper was said to form part of the Governments Tax White Paper process…
Tax on Earnouts
New draft law means new issues for sales of businesses
National recognition for DW Fox Tucker lawyers
Five DW Fox Tucker lawyers recognised among Australia’s best
Buying or Selling a Business?
How to ensure the best outcomes
DWFT Report
The DWFT Report is a comprehensive publication containing news, commentary and analysis of significant contemporary legal issues impacting the Australian business community.