Mark reg’ streamlined, protection strengthened
Significant IP law amendments coming into operation
Personal Property Securities ‑ How These Will Affect You
Do you: Sell goods on credit?Lease equipment or livestock?Have stock on consignment?Have goods, livestock or grain in storage?Provide finance on security other than land?If so, the new PPS regime…
The State of State Taxes: Reform or Land Grab?
Reports indicate that SA taxes for business are at the top of the range, and State taxes are generally inefficient and distorted, particularly for land and housing. Are there any prospects for change?
Government to review and amend the Holidays Act 1910 (SA)
Happy Holidays?
A New Age Dawns for Online Brand Protection: The Expansion of gTLDs
In a move which will dramatically change the face of the Internet, in June 2011, the board of The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) voted in favour of opening up the…
The Warranty Trap
Goods and services provided to consumers have guarantees under the Australian Competition Law (ACL), which may not be excluded. However, if a product or service also comes with a specific warranty…
Broken Promises on Business Taxes
SA Mid-Year Budget Review A Circular from RevenueSA on 16 December 2011 (Information Circular 34), reveals that in the 2011-2012 Mid-Year Budget Review released by the Treasurer: “The Government has…
Competition and Consumer Law Impacts on the Franchise Industry
Trade Practices Out - Competition and Consumer Law In All franchise businesses, whether they provide goods or services, and whether they deal with consumers or other businesses (ie within a franchise…
Announcement on Trust Taxation Amendments (Bamford)
The Assistant Treasurer and Minster for Financial Services and Superannuation, the Hon Bill Shorten MP, addressed the National Convention of the Taxation Institute of Australia in Brisbane this…
Trade Practices Out - Competition and Consumer Law In
New Laws effecting what the Australian Government calls the “biggest reforms to consumer laws in a generation”[1] came into effect on 1 January 2011 with the Trade Practices Act 1974 (TPA) re-badged,…
DWFT Report
The DWFT Report is a comprehensive publication containing news, commentary and analysis of significant contemporary legal issues impacting the Australian business community.