Putting together a team to help your business succeed is almost as hard as running the business itself. Sometimes it pays to call upon external resources when you don’t have the time and necessary expertise to handle complex business transactions, along with all the associated legal issues. When you get to that point, Amy Bishop can assist you in every corner of commercial law… her expertise and know-how will be a welcome addition to your operation.

Amy is a pivotal component of both our intellectual property and corporate & commercial teams, with a wealth of knowledge in commercial, corporate, consumer, IP and privacy law, and the added skill set of being a registered trade mark attorney for Australia and New Zealand. She acts for numerous clients assisting them to achieve success through sound business structuring, which is both tax-effective and enhances intellectual property protection.

Along with her impressive commercial and corporate knowledge, and accurate understanding of the needs of small businesses, Amy is also familiar with the unique requirements of not-for-profit (NFP) clients and has advised many such organisations on a range of compliance matters.

In the intellectual property space, Amy’s expertise as a trade mark attorney comes to the fore. She has been involved in trade mark registrations, both in Australia and internationally, negotiation of oppositions and intellectual property assignments. Amy is well-placed to promote innovation with her unique mix of commercial, intellectual property and tax knowledge.

Other areas where Amy can advise include managing risk, protection of business assets, privacy issues, the establishment of trusts, companies and not-for-profit organisations and compliance with consumer and labelling laws, to name just a few.

Additionally, Amy’s corporate law experience means you can call on her to help with general company dealings, share structuring, officeholder changes, drafting and updating constitutions, and compliance requirements in various areas of corporate law, including the winding up and liquidation of businesses.

Amy's Featured Articles

View All
February 25, 2025 Beware of Trade Mark Email Scams
Intellectual Property (IP)
October 08, 2024 The Concepts of Consent for Personal Information
Intellectual Property (IP)
June 19, 2024 When Reputation Assists in Protecting Your Brand
Intellectual Property (IP) Dispute Resolution & Insolvency
June 19, 2024 When Are Goods or Services Acquired by a “Consumer”? When Do Guarantees Under the Australian Consumer Law Apply? Can Suppliers and Manufacturers Liability Be Limited?
Corporate & Commercial
December 20, 2023 New Reasons to Keep Your Contract Terms Fair
Corporate & Commercial
May 02, 2022 Privacy Week - Top Tips
Corporate & Commercial Intellectual Property (IP)
March 30, 2022 Domain Names and Cyber Security
Corporate & Commercial Intellectual Property (IP)
March 29, 2022 Are You a Director Who Still Needs to Get Your Director ID?
Corporate & Commercial
June 30, 2021 When are Directors Liable for Misleading or Deceptive Conduct, Passing off, Trade Mark Infringement or Unconscionable Conduct?
Corporate & Commercial Dispute Resolution & Insolvency Intellectual Property (IP)
June 30, 2021 Staff Profile: Amy Bishop
Staff Profiles
September 21, 2020 Fee Increases for Trade Marks
Intellectual Property (IP)
April 24, 2020 COVID-19: IT Security and Working From Home
Firm News
October 25, 2019 EU’s Request for Geographical Indications Protection may Affect your Products or Trade Marks
Intellectual Property (IP) International Business
September 25, 2019 Top Tips for Creating Your Trade Mark
Intellectual Property (IP)
September 25, 2019 Using the PPSR to Protect Your Deposit
Intellectual Property (IP)
June 21, 2019 Registration of Everything (Commonwealth) Bill
Intellectual Property (IP)
November 07, 2018 Branding for WET
Intellectual Property (IP) Tax Wine
March 26, 2018 Mandatory Data Breach Notification
Intellectual Property (IP)
June 22, 2017 Long Live the Queen (Adelaide Trade Mark)
Intellectual Property (IP)
December 16, 2016 Tax Implications of Structuring for Holding Your Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property (IP) Tax


Wine Industry Suppliers Australia (WISA)

WISA Management Committee Member


Doyle’s Guide to the Australian Legal Profession Listings:

  • Leading Intellectual Property Lawyer – South Australia, Since 2023

What Client's Say

Amy’s attention to detail and the very concise way she captures our discussions about legal matters is fantastic.

Karen Holthouse

Sponsorship Manager - Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of South Australia Inc

I have engaged Amy Bishop from DW Fox Tucker a number of times seeking expert advice. On all occasions, I have been provided with timely advice that results in the best outcomes for my business. Amy’s commitment to understanding my business to ensure appropriate trade mark applications are lodged and enable their smooth passage and speedy early indication of success has been greatly appreciated. It’s always a pleasure doing business with Amy and the DW Fox Tucker team.

Sinéad O'Brien

Co-Founder and Director - Tinnitus Treatment

DW Fox Tucker was able to help me during one of the most stressful times in my life. Going through a separation, and not being able to locate critical trust documents through my accountant, they took my call, and from reception all the way to Amy they have been amazing. I was able to get my trust deed details updated for minimal cost, and have support to ensure that my trust fund was protected from future claims, in a very short space of time. Thank you to Amy and the DW Fox Tucker team for always being available to help but knowing that you are not going to have a scary bill at the end!!
